Sep 2, 2022
Property prices, the cost of living and the balance of work/life mean that the ‘nuclear family’ home is no longer the norm in a lot of scenarios throughout the country. The two parents + children
Sep 2, 2022
Lender rates top 20 near CBD suburbs for affordability Apartments and units have risen to the top of many property investors lists. More of us are living in them, it seems, probably because
Jul 7, 2022
When does the maintenance list end? I hear you ask. And we all know that it never actually does. However, smart, user- and eco- friendly choices can go a long way in sustaining the life of your
Jul 7, 2022
Like any relationship, developing friendly, mutual and healthy connections is important. Not everyone sees eye-to-eye all the time, and that’s okay, but when conflict does arise it’s best to handl
Jul 7, 2022
2021 Census figures were released recently and, unsurprisingly, figures indicate the strong need for housing across the country. The nation’s population has doubled over the past 50 years, with offici
Jun 15, 2022
When you are committing dollars with the intention to sell, the purpose of renovations is generally to make it appeal to the largest possible number of potential buyers. The more potential buyers
Jun 15, 2022
In many locations these days, tenants aren’t hard to come by. However, there may be times in the future – or even now – when showcasing the best of your rental property will pay dividends. A we
Jun 15, 2022
Have you spoken to your accountant recently? If not, stop what you’re doing and set a meeting up ASAP. Tax time is almost here and to make the most of the financial year that has been, it pays to